25 October 2012

welcome to the loom's room

I am a very forgetful person.
I often forget to bring my wallet to the school, and so I did today. However, I am a very lucky person at the same time, so I could get in the school, in the studio and in the weaving workshop, without my student card. 
Yes, it was open-door's day today.
Many people came to see our studio. I'm sure that the temperature in the studio was definitely higher than usual. 
Actually, it was not just open-door's day but also the last day before the deadline of the project, so everyone was working hard. I have finally done all of weaving samples. Now I'm already excited to the next workshop after the reading week.

circles and diamond shapes have been done by the computer loom

23 October 2012

high-tech or low-tech?

What do you think of the image below?
When I saw it at the first time, I thought it looked like lords of cottom buds stisking out of flutes.
This is actually a part of a loom, a very old loom.
Those pegs lift certain shafts up every time, so that you can get patterns on your weave without checkigng and remembering patterns by yourself.
It is very high-tech isn't it?

Recently I'm enjoying weaving and even being in the workshop.
After the last review, I have done less drawing but more weaving, and tried to get different kinds of texture by beating yarns tightly or gently. 
This is why I finally went to a wrong way again, but at this time, I am rather being relax than in panick. Although there are still many things to do, it is quite clear what do I do the next.
I hope I can manage to hand my stuff in in time, and will be satisfied with its quality.


12 October 2012

Workshop is such a lovely place

Every time I breathe here, my lifetime get 10 sec longer :) I'm not joking!

white yarn

not sure what is this for

classmates' and mine

9 October 2012

I feel this week is gonna be good

It was a very good day today.
Good beginning of the week!

First of all, a weaving workshop has started from today, and I really enjoyed it, although I didn't think that I need to use brain to weave—even if the pattern has already been made. To be honest, weaving was less interesting one in 4 disciplines (weave, print, knit, embroidery) for me, but I quite liked it.

The next is, I saw the first-year textiles tutor and technician by chance. I hardly see them after I became the 2nd year, and I have been missing them so much.  Yet I could talk to them only few words, I'm happy with seeing them.

Thirdly, my Japanese friend who is working in glasgow after graduated GSA architecture came my flat and give me & my flatmate home-baked sweets.

The last one is that I've got less regret for my day today. It makes happiness twice.

As I have more energy than usual, I uploaded photos which were taken in the south of England in the summer holiday.
I would like to show you some of them.

wire knitting appears on a street

each colourful flag is knitted 

If I could work at a studio like here, it'd be wonderful.

I think I still like lamp and street views in twilight. 

4 October 2012

about the past

About 3 weeks is being past after the 2nd year started.
Although there is much work to do, I'm not stressed very much at the moment. For me, to have many things to do is by far better than just being blind and struggling.
Recently, when I am woking in the studio or walking to the Skypark, I often try to remember what I am doing and thinking now in the last year, and then I always realise that the last year was essential for me, at last. 
Before I came here, I didn't like designing but love stitching despite I was in textile 'design' course, but I'm sure that I began to like designing during the 1st year in GSA. About cut-work, especially, I had hardly ever done it before, but now the major part of my studio work is cut work, and I'm enjoying that.

1 October 2012

My bad mood is getting better

After the last tutorial, I was quite depressed, but after that I'm sure that my drawing style has changed slightly. Before the review, my drawings were not like drawings but more design.
I tried to work apart from patterns, and did drawings related to texture and colours in photo.
Maybe that idea was quite useful, so I could find many kinds of interesting surface texture.
At first I worried what to do, but now I quite enjoy working in this way.

Before coming to GSA, I've never thought of drawing very much before making patterns, and often wondered where designers get inspiration from. Now I knew that there is a very long way before making actual patterns. That is an exciting journey, but sometimes tough.