21 September 2012

the 2nd year started

on this monday.
Now we're working on the first project, and had the first internal review today/yesterday.
The project, geometrically inspired, seemed to be really nice to me, because I quite like geometric patterns with textile materials, but actually, or might be obviously it's hard to make them.

In the last year, I was made aware of how much I was not following the project brief at every review, and had to change directions. It was good for me to know what was correct or incorrect before handing final ones rather than making effort on something that tutors were not expected.
Before I came to GSA, I hate internal reviews, because I wanted to surprise tutors and classmates by working by myself in isolated places, but it isn't always successful. Now I found sharing ideas valuable,  and enjoy it very much. I think I'm so lucky in being in this class now.

The review in this morning was really helpful, as always. If I started talking about how much I got depressed by myself, it would take much time, but I stopped thinking about those pessimistic thoughts, and need to take a new step forward.

Luckily, very luckily, it's sunny all day today in Glasgow, was best for going out for taking photos.
There're photos below I took in this afternoon.
I'm quite happy that I could get different series of inspiring shapes to the first ones.
It was not a productive day, but I've got motivation toward the next step.


  1. I did the same thing on my course, I mean trying to surprise viewers. So I didn't like internal reviews.
    At the one of the final reviews, I did not show some pieces which I have already shown at the internal review, and a course mate was saying that 'why you didn't chose that good one!' Therefore my final decision was a bit boring.

    1. Yes, it's very difficult to choose only few from all of your work, especially when you show it to the public. As you judge artists' work good or bad in your mind, every other person would do so unconsciously. I think artists sometimes need to ignore others, but designers don't. Tutors and classmates/friends are the closest 'others', and they've got great eyes, so to get their opinions is definitely valuable!
