23 January 2013

what do you see on the cutting edge of knit?

   As the workshop started yesterday, I've started looking for interesting knit design. At the begginig of this project, I found some inspiring design, although I rather needed to find art which is related to the theme of the project, bloom. At this time, I need to find designers, and I found more interesting knit designs that I've found before.
   The photos below are knit design by 2 designers; the first two are by Mark Fast, and the others are by Craig Lawrence. Few colours and 3 dimentional design particularly interests me at the moment, and the ideas could be apllied for my own project.
  My tutor explained that more than 60% of clothes in the modern world are knitted. The thing I would imagine with the word 'knit' was a bland knitted jumper, but the latest knit design is actually stunning!

Mark Fast 

S 2010 rtw

F 2011 rtw

Craig Lawrence  


  1. i saw your works in your studio, they're ALL really NICE!!! you are really very creative *_*

    1. not as creative as your tape weaving! but thank you anyway :D
