1 February 2012

London trip -the 1st day-

My London trip started with terrible feeling! This is because, I left my camera's battery in my room. Oh...The thing I had was just a toy that looks like a camera.... However, ecept this, the London trip was GREAT. I saw many interesting things with my eyes instead of seeing through a camera lens. At the briefing of the London trip, Jo said 'inspiration is in everywhere, so do forget about fashion/textiles during trip' and I strongly agreed with it. I tried to sketch anything that I like.
Usually, I don't like to carry a sketchbook around in museums, but the sketchbook we are given was 'Pink Pig'. I love this sketchbook, because of quality of paper, rings and cute pigs.(some people might think me fool, but it's important for me!) I was happy to carry the sketchbook.
Tate Modern Museum where we went first, had huge space. I like museums having plenty of space between works, rather than museums putting so many works in everywhere. Pictures below are 2 my favorite works and my drawings of them. Both of them attracted me by colours. Blue one was small (less than 30 x 30cm) and red one was big (more than 2x2m). I thought that we see colours differently depending on scale.

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