The beginning of this week was busy with preparing for term 2 individual review. It was good timing for myself too to reflect and organise my work, as I have spent the last 2 weeks on producing samples and I realised the need of a right direction towards final collection before Easter break.
As I usually work outside of sketchbooks, it was not easy to work within a rectangle sheets. Also, I used to edit the most of ideas down in my head and leave only few notes, and I definitely missed some potential ideas because of it.
I started organising my work by recoding my experiments on a sketch book, and that involved a couple of mind maps to visualise the ideas development. This sketchbook work was previously intended as an evidence of my design exploration, but now it is not only for others who consume my work but also for myself who develop the work. The visualised process of work is preventing myself from being chaotic, and it is significant progress at this point as I need to produce relevant work effectively.
From my sketchbook |
Intention of my final collection is becoming clearer little by little. So far I am thinking to stylise two different types of design work on a body, one is solid graphic accessory that I focused in week 7, and the other is building structure inspired design that are shown below.
From now on, it will be full of stress and excitement until the final hand-in, and the next 2 weeks are probably the last chance to explore and expand the idea of design.
Left: scaffolding inspired collage drawing Right: one of drawings from sketchbook