This week passed very quickly.
I had my mid-term review with Niki on Tuesday. I thought she would ask about my design but she rather wanted to know how to translate it into embroidery, and told me to consider about fabric and stitches. This made me realised that I was trying to skip the important stage and about to start stitching, so I had to calm myself first, then decided to make clear plans.
Wednesday and Thursday morning were spent on fabric shopping and stitch planing. It kept me away from the studio work, but finally I became confident about getting started in sample making.
Stitching as I planed is a quite straightforward way, but still unexpected things keep happening. The first sample making took me so long, and now it's nearly done.
Colour palette—I decided to use black cotton(linen look) and green velvet for main material
Bondaweb on the back of black cotton—I put it to prevent the fabric puckering
An accident happened—bondaweb came out from the edge of cutwork, and made whitish outlines
Stitched over again—before: left after: right